Faith Students is the student ministry of Faith Church in Summerville, SC. Faith students is made up of 9 different campuses located through South Carolina. Our goal is to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Resources from Faith Students

Use This Gospel
For God So Loved, Gospel, Salvation

This Is Us
Belonging, Disciple, Faith, Family

Stranger Things
Bondage, Demons, Doubt, Faith

New Era
Blind Man, Compassion, Evangelism, Faith

I Am __
Freedom, I Am, Purpose, Seek First

The Heart of Worship
Breakthrough, Freedom, Holy Spirit, Transformation

For The World
Generosity, Giving, Go, Great Commission

Abraham, Discipline, Evangelism, Faith

Dangerous Prayers
Brokeness, Conviction, Fear, Fully Surrendered

Child of God, Discipleship, Faith, Fully Devoted Follower

Joy To The World
Birth, Christmas, Jesus, Joy

Can of Worms
Authority, Forgiveness, God Is Love, Jesus Loves Me

Book of John
Approval, Belonging, Bondage, Born Again

Just Do It
Behavior, Endurance, Faith, Gift

Behind the Scenes
Brokeness, Stand for Christ

Beyond These Walls
Baptism of Holy Spirit, Boldness, Breakthrough, Commitment